Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Master's Message

Master's Message for April 2014...


April will be a very busy month. Our regular meeting will be held on Easter Monday April 21st and I would like to thank W Bro Alvis for agreeing to fill in for me as Worshipful Master as I will be away on holidays.

It is a coincidence that the celebration of Easter is about our Lord’s promise of resurrection and rebirth and we will again be putting on the M.M. degree in April at an emergent meeting on Tuesday April 8th. Also we will also be traveling to Mizpah Lodge on April 15th to witness a MM degree in the Canadian rite performed by York Rite College. We will car-pool to Medicine Hat and leave from Brooks Lodge at 6:00PM on April 15th.

I encourage each of you to reflect on the teachings and symbolism found in the MM degree and come out to welcome our newest brother as we raise him to the sublime degree of a Master Mason at our emergent meeting and also join us as we travel to Medicine Hat for a unique educational experience in the Canadian Rite.

Lodge officers and members of the degree team are reminded that we will be holding a practice on Sunday, April 6th at 1 PM in preparation for the MM degree.

Brethren did you know that a lodge is opened by the Worshipful Master in "due form" which means according to ancient usages, customs, laws and ritual of the Grand Lodge. That a Grand Lodge is opened by the Grand Master in "ample form" meaning he has the power and authority to deviate from common ritual to save time. At our last meeting the Grand Master exercised his right of “ample form” during the closing. He declared the Lodge closed with one stroke of the gavel.

Fraternally yours,
W. Bro. Roger Cowan